Greater Peterborough Network

Appointment Booking Terms & Conditions


The personal information you share on this webform will be sent securely (using third-party software called Postmark which adheres to the Privacy Shield Framework) to the GP Hub Team. This website will delete your personal information once you attend your appointment with the GP Hub.

By completing this webform you are consenting to the GP Hub accessing your NHS patient record to confirm you are a registered patient of Greater Peterborough. You are also consenting to the GP Hub sending you confirmation emails and accept that there is a risk (however small) of the email being intercepted or ‘hacked’ in transit.


Booking Confirmation

By completing an “Appointment Request Form” you are requesting an appointment at the GP Hub. You will receive an automated email confirming that the request has been sent. When you receive the Confirmation of Appointment email you will know your request has been accepted.

Do not attend the GP Hub unless you have received an email confirming your appointment date and time.

Canceling by patient

If you no longer intend to attend your appointment at the GP Hub it is your responsibility to cancel this appointment. You can do this by contacting us.

If you do not cancel your appointment the GP Hub-Team reserve the right to contact you to find out why you did not attend.

Canceling by GP Hub

The GP Hub may on occasion need to cancel your appointment at very short notice.  Whilst this is a rare occurrence, it does happen.  If this happens you will receive a phone call and/or email to inform you of this.

Description of Health Needs

This section is important to complete as it enables the GP Hub to assess your condition and confirm the GP Hub is the best place to access help. If you do not complete this section the GP Hub-Team reserve the right to contact you to ask the reason why you have requested an appointment at the GP Hub.

Right of Refusal

The GP Hub-Team reserve the right to refuse to provide an appointment at the GP Hub. Some of the reasons for refusal may include;

  • The patient is not registered with one of the 29 GP surgeries involved in the scheme
  • This is an ongoing medical complaint and the GP surgery and patient have an agreed care plan in place   
  • The patient has been removed from the service previously or is flagged as a high risk
How we use your personal information

The information you share on the web form is retained securely within this website. A copy of the web form is emailed to a secure NHS email address. The GP Hub team uses your information to check that you meet the requirements for access to the GP Hub and that the appointment you have requested is available.

Once you attend your appointment your personal information will be deleted from the website and email inbox. A record of your contact at the GP Hub will be recorded on your NHS patient record.