Health Care Assistant Home Visiting Service
Patient’s Home
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 09:00-17:00
About the service:
Greater Peterborough Network’s Home Visiting Service has been put into place to support GP Practices to provide timely care for their housebound patients. GP Practices can refer to their patients to us and one of our Health Care Assistants will go to a patients home to carry out basic procedures such as blood tests, blood pressure checks and urine screening. The team have full access to the patients record and the results of the checks are added to the record as soon as available. This allows the referring clinician to make an informed decision about the patients care plan.
What support we offer:
- Blood Tests
- Blood Pressure
- Height and Weight checks
- Urine tests
- Stool Tests

Peterborough GP Hub
Service Delivery:
Monday – Friday 18:30-20:30
Saturday 09:00-13:00 and 13:30-17:30

About the service:
The GP
Hub offers routine appointments on evenings and weekends with local GPs, Nurses
and Healthcare assistants. The GP Hub is a service delivered by Greater
Peterborough Network, in partnership with some of the local GP Practices across
our area.
click on FAQ link for more information including whether your Practice is able
to book you in for an appointment at the GP Hub.
What Support We Offer:
GP/Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- Skin conditions, such as mild acne and mild eczema
- Cough and colds
- Bites
- Ear, Nose, Throat (including nasal congestion, sore throat and ear pain)
- Constipation and haemorrhoids (piles)
- Hay fever and allergies
- Aches and pains, such as headaches and back pain
- Indigestion, diarrhoea and threadworms
- Period pain and thrush
- Warts, athletes foot and verruca’s, mouth ulcers and cold sores
- Children common ailments including nappy rash and teething
- Muscle and joint injuries, including strains and sprains
- Minor lacerations, cuts and infected wounds
- Acute illness – eg: chest infection
Practice Nurse
- Wound Management
- Swabs
- Stitch Removal
- Staple Removal
- Prescribed injections (B12, Zoladex, depo ect) PATIENT MUST BRING INJECTION WITH THEM
Health Care Assistant
- Phlebotomy
- Blood Pressure

Health Checks for Patients with Serious Mental Illness and Eating Disorder
Serious Mental Illness
Patient’s registered surgery or at Patient’s Home if the patient is housebound.
Service delivery:
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00
About the service:
The SMI (Serious Mental Illness) service provides SMI health checks across Peterborough, Wisbech and Cambridge. This service involves our specialist HCAs conducting a 45-minute annual physical health check with an additional 20 minute follow up appointment if appropriate. The aim of this service is to link physical and mental health within general practice, thus improving the patients overall mental and physical wellbeing.
What support do we offer:
- Appointments at your surgery or in your own home if appropriate
- Blood pressure checks
- Venepuncture (taking blood)
- Height and Weight
- Personalised Support and Care plans
- ECGs (dependant on family history and medication)
- Support accessing screening programmes (smears/mammograms/bowel screening etc)
- Support accessing vaccinations
- Lifestyle referrals and interventions such as weight management, smoking cessation, alcohol and drugs management.
Eating Disorder
Patient’s registered surgery.
Service delivery:
Monday – Thursday 09:00 – 17:00
About the service:
The Eating Disorder Medical Monitoring service supports patients with a mild to moderate eating disorder within the community. This service involves our specialist HCAs conducting a 45-minute monitoring appointment on a 4-8 weekly basis. The aim of this service is to support patients with an eating disorder closer to home and in their registered practice. Without this additional service patients would need to travel to Addenbrookes for the monitoring.
What support do we offer:
- Venepuncture (blood test)
- Blood pressure
- Heart rate
- Weight
- SUSS test (Sit up-Squat-Stand)

Ambulance Support
Patient’s Home
Service delivery:
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:00
About the service:
The Ambulance Support Service was introduced in February 2022; The aim is for EEAST ambulance crews to be able to reduce time on site, by handing over care co-ordination of patients that don’t require transfer to a hospital to a member of the GPN team. Staffed by HCA’s with clinical oversight from a GP/ANP/Nurses, over 70% of patients were able to stay at home as a result of GPN interventions ranging from adjusting medication, referring to social care (Enhanced Response Service), to taking observational data and undertaking follow up welfare checks and ordering aids and adaptations for the home.
What support do we offer:
- Single point of access – we can coordinate with GP/ANP/HCA/ERS/NRS (General Practitioner/Advanced Nurse Practitioner/Health Care Assistant/Emergency Response Service)
- Prescriptions issued, collected and delivered same day
- Venepuncture
- Blood pressure checks
- Urinalysis
- Pulse Oximetry
- Comfort calls, welfare visits & reviews
- Wound Care
- Ability to arrange short term care within 30mins and same day equipment ordering
- Remote consultations with ANP/F2F GP appointments
Catheter care (subject to assessment)

City Care Centre
Blood test Reception Team
City Care Centre, Thorpe Road, Peterborough, PE3 6DB
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 08:00 to 12:30 and 13:00 to 16:30 (Closed between 12:30 -13:00)
On the day appointments are offered for INR and Urgent bloods Mon-Fri 8am-09:30am, please note these are limited and are subject to availability
About the service:
The City Care Centre Phlebotomy appointment system was introduced in the summer of 2020 as a way for GP Practices to book their patients in for a blood tests at a specific time, creating less waiting times for patients.
The Greater Peterborough Network manage a blood test reception desk at the City Care Centre, which has full access to upcoming appointments, and can print and prepare blood test forms for patients arriving for blood tests.
The service operates Mon-Fri 08:00am – 16:30pm on an appointment basis. To make an appointment please contact your GP Practice. If you are wanting to cancel or rebook your appointment, you can contact us on 01733 666670 – option 1
The service does also offer an on the day walk-in service for Urgent and INR bloods between 08:00am – 09:30am Mon-Fri, however these slots are very limited so please call to book an appointment through your GP practice where possible
What support do we offer:
- Appointment system management
- Printing and preparing of blood forms
- Rebooking or Cancelling appointments
- On the day appointments 8am-9:30am – limited and subject to availability

Diabetes Home Visiting Service
Patient’s home
Service delivery:
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00
About the service:
GPN use specialist trained HCA’s supported by a diabetic nurse to carrying out home visits for housebound diabetic patients. The HCA will complete a full diabetic review. GPN record and report all results back to the patients GP to review. On the occasions the HCA identifies instances which require immediate interventions, they are able to refer to podiatry and contact the GP for urgent adjustments to medication. This provides a vital service aiming to support patients with their overdue checks and reviews. This project has been a great tool in identifying other areas of healthcare required for patients who are unable to visit their surgery. Housebound patients who think they may be eligible for this service needs to contact their GP practice for a referral to our service.
What support do we offer:
- Diabetic Foot checks
- Diabetic blood tests
- BP checks
- Urine samples
- Height checks
- Weight checks
- Diabetic Reviews

BP at Home
Patient’s home
Service delivery:
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00
About the service:
BP at Home, is a self-monitoring service available to all Peterborough patients who have an irregular Blood Pressure that do not have a pre-existing diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation. Patients registered in the Greater Peterborough area can be easily referred for BP at Home Self-Monitoring for up to 14 days.
Once referred, GPN send a Healthcare Assistant to the patients house to demonstrate how to use the BP machine, and a BP Monitoring diary is provided for the patient to keep a record of their readings. The GPN team call or text the patient each day and enter daily AM and PM readings to the patients record for their GP to review.
This service is not restricted to just housebound patients, this service is available to all patients who need their BP monitoring.
What support do we offer
- Home visits by Healthcare Assistant to demonstrate use of BP Machines
- Loan of a BP machine and right size cuff
- Daily calls from the GPN team to collect readings and check on wellbeing

Peterborough Surge Hub
Tuesday – Friday – Thistlemoor Medical Centre
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 14:00-19:00
About the service:
The Surge Hub offers routine on the day appointments during the week in order to support GP practices with the pressure of the winter period with local GPs, Minor Illness Nurses, Practice Nurses and Healthcare assistants. The Surge Hub is a service delivered by Greater Peterborough Network, in partnership with the local GP Practices across our area.
What Support We Offer:
GP/Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- Skin conditions, such as mild acne and mild eczema
- Cough and colds
- Bites
- Ear, Nose, Throat (including nasal congestion, sore throat and ear pain)
- Constipation and haemorrhoids (piles)
- Hay fever and allergies
- Aches and pains, such as headaches and back pain
- Indigestion, diarrhoea and threadworms
- Period pain and thrush
- Warts, athletes foot and verruca’s, mouth ulcers and cold sores
- Children common ailments including nappy rash and teething
- Muscle and joint injuries, including strains and sprains
- Minor lacerations, cuts and infected wounds
- Acute illness – eg: chest infection
Practice Nurse
- Wound Management
- Swabs
- Stitch Removal
- Staple Removal
- Prescribed injections (B12, Zoladex, depo ect) PATIENT MUST BRING INJECTION WITH THEM
Health Care Assistant
- Phlebotomy
- Blood Pressure